Cabeza del Condor

Not a 6k but can be a bigger challenge



It is the main peak of Tuni – Condoriri, its correct name is “Head of the Condor” although many prefer to call it only Condoriri.
It is the main peak of the area and although it does not stand out for its height, it is a major challenge because of the difficulty it offers.


Cordillera Real


5,648 Meters / 18,530 Feet


Basic / Moderate


3 Days / 2 Nights


Day 1.

La Paz – Base Camp

We leave the city on a trip of approximately 2 hours to the “Arrinconada” in the sector of Tuni Condoriri where we will leave the car and prepare our equipment to start the 1 hour hike to our base camp “Chiar Khota lagoon”, where we will have the view of what is the head of the condor, left wing, right wing, etc.

Day 2.

Base Camp – Cabeza Del Condor – Base Camp

We will have another alpine start, as it is a long day to reach the summit of the Cabeza del Condor.
The terrain is a trail and places with loose rock until we reach the edge of the glacier where we will prepare ourselves with the mountain equipment, the glacier part is relatively easy until we reach the base of the mountain, there we begin the technical climb between rock and ice, once we overcome this stretch we will climb the ridge until we reach the summit, once we reach our goal we return to our base camp.

Day 3.

Base Camp – La Paz

After breakfast, we prepare our luggage and begin the descent to Rinconada del Condoriri where our vehicle awaits to take us back to La Paz.

  • Private transportation.
  • Mounatain Guide.
  • Cook
  • Food.
  • Tents
  • Technical gear (boots, crampons, gaiters, harness, ice axes and helmet).
  • Entrance fee
  • Sunglasses.
  • Sunscreen.
  • Sleeping bag.
  • Other material for
    personal use.

Cabeza del Condor Gallery