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Eduardo Mamani Bolivian Mountain Guide - UIAGM/IFMGA

Eduardo Mamani Quispe

Meet Eduardo, Guide professionally for more than 30 years, he has taken safety and rescue courses in the sister Republic of Peru with Swiss instructors, his training culminates with the French school of ENSA (National School of Sky and Mountaineering) International Certification UIAGM / IFMGA.
He conquered the summits of Bolivar, Humboldt and others in Venezuela, also the summits of Cotopaxi and Chimborazo in Ecuador, Alpamayo and Huascaran in Peru.
One of his greatest achievements is to conquer the summit of Aconcagua (6,954 m) twice on the same day from Base Camp (Plaza de Mulas) in Argentina.

Mountain and trekking guides association AGMTB

Hilarion Choque

Meet Hilarion, he is the younger brother of the Choque family, a family of mountaineers with an excellent reputation.
He finished his high mountain guide courses with high qualifications, just like his brother Julio he obtained the certification as an INTERNATIONAL GUIDE granted by the INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF MOUNTAIN GUIDES (UIAGM / IFMGA).
Hilarion continued taking specialized courses in high mountain rescue and with SOCORRO ANDINO BOLIVIANO (SAB).
Hilarion has a lot of experience in classic routes and technical routes inside and outside Bolivia, he is a very sociable person, very cheerful and fun, it is a pride for us to have him in our team.

Socorro andino Boliviano
Mountain and trekking guides association AGMTB
Hilarion Choque Bolivian Mountain Guide - UIAGM/IFMGA
Juan Mamani Mountain Guide

Juan Mamani Antezana

We introduce you to Juan, he is a mountain lover, son of Eduardo Mamani who since he was a child (6 years old) took him with him to the mountain, this made him awaken his love for the mountain.
His first peak was at the age of 10 in the Pequeño Alpamayo, later he conquered his first 6000 at the age of 13 in the Huayna Potosi, he also conquered the mountains of Illimani, Cabeza del Condor, Sajama, Acotango, Parinacota, etc. and also doing many hikes and treks in the Cordillera Real.
He wishes to be part of the international guides (UIAGM/IFMGA), for which he has already completed the Pre-training course for mountain guides and will soon be part of the group of Aspirants.
The last years he was in charge of all the logistics and organization of the groups, giving effectiveness and efficiency for which all were a success.

Julio Choque

Julio was one of the first to be part of our team of guides, he has the international certification of mountain guides (UIAGM / IFMGA), he is part of the rescue group “Socorro Andino Boliviano” (SAB), without fear to be mistaken he is one of the best guides that Bolivia has.
He attended many rescues in our mountains and made numerous ascents to different peaks of our Cordillera Real, abroad he climbed Vallunaraju and Chopicalqui in Peru, Aconcagua in Argentina and Ojos del Salado in Chile, he is highly recommended.

Socorro andino Boliviano
Mountain and trekking guides association AGMTB
Julio Choque Bolivian Mountain Guide - UIAGM/IFMGA
Mario Perez Bolivian Mountain Guide - UIAGM/IFMGA

Mario Perez

Mario is our main contact when it comes to the western cordillera in the Sajama National Park, he has been guiding for more than 20 years.
He lives in the town of Sajama and is also the one who together with his wife provides us with lodging, food and logistic services in the area.

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