In Honor Of Gregorio Mamani Quispe | All Saints

It’s been more than 2 years since his departure, I honestly didn’t know how to start this, I thought of a thousand ways to make it something symbolic but I guess I didn’t find a way, here I go.
Gregorio Mamani Quispe (R.I.P.) who was a mountain guide here in Bolivia, in all probability one of the best if not the best, he was a son, a father, a brother, a friend, a great leader and MY UNCLE.
The pandemic (COVID-19) of the year 2020 took from us a great exponent of mountaineering in Bolivia, he was one of the first, undoubtedly a pioneer of the mountain here.
Yesterday November 1st we celebrated All Saints Day and after 2 years and 4 months of his departure we know that today he is by our side and every time we all go to the mountain he is there waiting to meet us, after all that time there was no day that I did not think of him, he taught me a lot over the years that he saw me grow and I’m sure he still had much to teach.
I can only add that he was the father of the new generations of mountain guides in Bolivia and he was even the one who taught the currently recognized guides.

In honor of the best.

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